So… about 3 weeks ago, I receive a direct message on Twitter from Becci asking me if I wanted to be nominated for a Liebster Award .
I recalled having already seen some blogs having the Liebster Award badge on their front page and so I did some Google search to see what this is all about.
The Liebster Award is an award that is given by bloggers to other bloggers: Remember those old chain-emails you got back then in the late 90ties? You receive an email from a friend and then pass it on to some more friends… and so on? This here is quite similar and a nice way to have your blog discovered (the award is targeted specifically at those who are new to the blogging game) but to also connect with the blogging community in general.
Sounds interesting .
But first things first: A huge thanks to Becci (Becci Abroad ) for nominating me!
This blogs motto is “Getting under the skin of Latin America” and thats what you’ll have to expect here: Candid information about Latin America. Seems like for her, everything started with working in Grenada (Spain) as a hotel receptionist, and then getting infused by the latino vibe in Cuba where she studied Spanish in the University of Havana. Her articles about Argentina are a must-read .
Now, how does this work?
First, I’ll have to answer a series of questions given to me by Becci, then I’m going to nominate up to 5 other bloggers and ask them 11 questions. The Nominees have to again nominate up to 5 other bloggers and ask them some other 11 questions they can choose for themselves… and so on.
Alright, lets start with Beccis questions. So here goes…
I. Which destination has had the most impact on you? And why?
Hmm, I had to think a bit about this question, but I’d go with Cuba , which is the first country I visited in Latin America. Yes, I’ve seen some documentaries about Cuba, read some articles, but being there is a different story. Where elsewhere there is an “old town” having <19th century buildings, here the colonial buildings were dominating the view of all the cities I visited, making you feel like you have taken a trip through time (And don’t get me started about all the classic 40ties-60ties cars). Everything there makes you feel like there are several different decades mashed together. Also… there are the people living there – they “feel different” regardless of social status. Despite me seeing poverty up closer (at almost every location!) than in other countries I’ve visited, people here have a lot of pride, and try to make the best of their situation – yes, life isn’t easy here. Complaining doesn’t seem to be an option here – more the contrary – “the pursuit of happiness” which is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence is emphasized here.
II. What do you get most excited about when you visit a new city or location?
During my trips I change from “unmotivated sloth” to early bird. I cannot help but getting up early, have a walk through the new location and maybe take some photos. Early morning, sunrise, empty roads a handful people maybe on their way to work, birds starting to wake up and make noise. It’s the “making myself familiar with the location and view it at times when there is ‘less going on’ “. Well, and then, there is scuba diving of course. If it is possible there – I usually head pretty early to the next dive center to look for a dive cause I usually cannot wait till next day.
III. What is the most overrated place or city you have visited?
People from the United States tend to do some sort of “Europe tour”, visiting mostly only the countries’ capitals. I really don’t get why. In my opinion, capital cities are mostly overrated. I usually try to minimize my stay in these over-crowded cities or skip them all together. So I’ll go with two overrated places: Berlin and Athens, now pissing off Germans and Greeks alike . Both crowded with tourists, loud, annoying, stressing and sometimes stinky. Sure, there are some nice (lesser-known) areas too, but overall… I feel much more comfortable being in a small village near the beach.
IV. Bike or train?
I’m a lazy ass. Sooo you didn’t by chance mean motorbike, right? No? Then… definitely train (Though I usually tend to use busses while travelling – chickenbusses, bemos, you name it )
V. What’s your next travel destination? And why this particular one?
Next stop: Equador & Galapagos islands. Well, to be honest, I wanted to visit Vietnam first, and Ena (my Girlfriend) was interested in visiting Indonesia . I haven’t been in Vietnam, she hasn’t been in Indonesia and we showed pictures of cool locations to each other… So we were planning to go to Vietnam this March first and then have a trip to Indonesia in Fall, but I totally forgot to renew my passport (it has to be valid for at least 6 months), so everything got postponed… leading us somehow to Equador (better conditions than Vietnam during May). Ena has also been to Equador and Galapagos before, but it was an awesome experience she wants to repeat, and back then she didn’t have a divers license. So, while watching some images about the (marine) life there I got extremely hyped.
VI. City breaks, hiking or beach holiday?
Uhm, neither. Or a mixture? “Beach holiday” sounds something like “lying at the beach, being turned to the other side by a spatula to get crispy on both sides”. I’m not that kind of person that can hold still for too long. Even if you are in “paradise” . Also, I’m not that into hiking to spend my free days just trekking without doing any other activities. I really need some days at the beach to swim/scuba dive/.. .
So… yeah. Both? Both.
VII. Hotel, hostel, couchsurfing or resort?
Resorts aren’t my kind of thing. I tend to the first 3 options:
- Hotels are fine. I usually book a hotel in the last few days of my trip, spoiling myself with a huge breakfast buffet, pool and all that. It’s cool, but I wouldn’t want to have that at daily basis.
- Hostels are okayish. Well, I’m not 20-something anymore, I earn a few bucks more than back then. Why not have a good nights sleep? We all know that dorm rooms
can beare loud . - Couchsurfing/b’n’b are my first choice when it comes to finding a place to stay… And I also like the concept of casas particulares, homestays or bungalows. You’ll get to know the locals much easier this way and get some suggestions for lesser-known attractions or things to do.
VIII. Name 3 destinations from your bucket list and explain why do you want to visit them.
- Tanzania. This country seems to have it all: Opportunities to go scuba diving (Zansibar & Pemba), hiking/climbing the highest mountain w/o any technical equipment (I really have to train some more before facing Kilimanjaro though) and watching wildlife up close in their natural habitat. Plus (Like many other african countries): A lightpollution-free sky, making you just have to spend the night photographing the sky .
- Micronesia: If there is an underwater paradise for divers, it is there. Huge parts of the islands are natural reserves, prohibiting fishermen using gillnets, so the coral reef stays healthy (Well, there are some black sheep, but still..) and then, there are all these wrecks…
- Guatemala: I was there in 2015 , but my stay was way too short. After travelling on and crossing the border to Mexico I was sure that I wanted to revisit this country. There is so much to see there.
IX. What is your best advice to people looking to start blogging?
Haha, I’m definitely not anywhere close to call myself a “successful blogger” . Soo I’m not really sure if any advice I can give is “good” of some sort.
But I’d go with: “Write what you think is important, share some genuine, useful tips for travellers about to visit the country you’re writing about and don’t do this ’10 toilets to visit in Baghdad’-thing the internet is oversaturated with”.
But then again, sadly, it is those articles that are popular, right? Well, personally, I rather enjoy reading some travels